who are we?
jen wood-creator

Jen credits beer with transforming her body and contributing to her personality. Her love of beer began while she was living in Denver, Colorado upon having her first palate-numbing double IPA at the Great Divide brewery. Since then she has become an avid beer geek and homebrewer. Her love of beer combined with her background in television and film drove her not only to drink, but to create Two Girls One Pint in an effort to make the world as passionate about beer as she is. She currently lives and works in New York City

laura gardner-craft beer drinker and blogger extrordinaire
Laura Gardner is excited to join the team behind “Two Girls One Pint” and contribute a column about drinking craft beer in New York City. She hopes to encourage craft beer newbies to try new things…you know, experiment a little. With beer, of course. She made New York her home 9 years ago and never looked back after sampling all that the city has to offer. Her favorite writers include Roald Dahl, Hunter S. Thompson, and the voices in her head. In the same vein, her favorite craft breweries include Dogfish Head, Brooklyn, and Southern Tier. She is excited to merge her love of writing (as a former journalist for big name publications) with her love of drinking (specifically, craft beer). When not writing (and drinking), Laura’s “day” (most often night) job is as a bartender, serving up a pint or mixing a mean Bloody Mary for her regulars.

bryce fishman-producer, actress,creator
Bryce Fishman was born in River Forest, Illinois. At the age of 16 she started making short films with her high school friends and this love of film prompted her to receive a bachelors degree in cinema at The University of Iowa. She also spent a year abroad in Australia studying other countries' perspectives on American and British filmmaking. Her final film at The University of Iowa was chosen for a television spot and created some controversy on campus. After college Bryce worked on many feature length studio films including Batman Begins, The Express and The Dark Knight. She has also worked on several commercial campaigns as well as a television series and independent films. At this time she was trading S&P 500 futures and hedging options at the Chicago Board of Trade in order to fund her own projects. In 2007, Bryce was admitted to Northwestern University where she studied business and production. She also completed a year of improv comedy at The Second City where she was chosen for two theatrical productions by her professors. Bryce began directing and producing short films with The Second City actors and her last film "one crummy night...stand" was chosen to be showcased in the Chicago Comedy Film Festival of 2011. Most recently she wrapped associate producing Danielle Harris' directorial debut in Los Angeles. Bryce continues to produce, direct and act in Los Angeles, California.

szoke schaeffer-actress, creator
Szoke (pronounced Zokey-Hungarian for "blonde." Szoke is neither blonde nor Hungarian) Schaeffer grew up in a teeny tiny New York City apartment on the upper west side. She discovered her gift for making people laugh at a very young age and knew it was the path to take. She attended F.H. LaGuardia High School, also known as the "Fame School," and from there she studied in Philadelphia where she attended Temple University as a Theater major. In college she performed in many productions, notably "On The Razzle," directed by Doug Wager. She landed a role in a commercial for a drug to help depression, which depressed her, and it was time for another move! She ended up in Denver, hoping to build up her resume before returning to New York. There she booked a National commercial and MOST IMPORTANTLY it's where she met Jen and Bryce! Szoke is currently back in New York working on the beer show, auditioning and taking improv classes at Upright Citizens Brigade. She has formed an indie improv team, Free Kittens, who perform all over the city.
josh schwartz
Joshua is originally from Macungie, Pennsylvania, but he now lives and works in NYC as an actor/singer. He attended Bard College, where he majored in theater. In college, he became seriously interested in beer after trying a bottle of Ommegang Three Philosophers, and realizing that craft beer extends beyond Magic Hat and Samuel Adams. He is now happily home-brewing. Josh recently started a beer blog called “Beer on a Budget” and is currently working with Two Girls, One Pint on creating NYC brewery bus tours. He is also about to release a web-series, which he wrote and directed.
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